RIPAL: Responsive and Intuitive Parsing for the Analysis of Language


What is parsing?


Parsing is a process whereby an input string can be tested for membership in a language.

Parsing attempts to answer two primary questions:

  1. Does the input string belong to the language?
  2. If so, what does it mean?



L = {0n1n | n >= 1}

Does 000111 belong to L? Yes.

What does it mean? 000111 is produced by the language specification when n = 3.

Does 00011 belong to L? No.


L = {subject verb object | subject, verb, object are valid English words or phrses of the appropriate type}

Does "The man threw the ball" belong to the language? Yes.

What does it mean? "The man" is the subject, "threw" is the verb and "the ball" is the object.

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