RIPAL: Responsive and Intuitive Parsing for the Analysis of Language


LR(0) parse example - single terminal


You've seen the fundamental concepts needed to parse strings with an LR(0) parser. However, these concepts are far less intuitive than the concepts used in an LL(1) parser.

In this section, we will illustrate the application of these concepts in a simple parser.



Observe the following grammar:

S → a

This grammar has the following augmented grammar:

S' → S $
S → a

It has the following LR(0) parse table:

a $ S S'
state1 shift2 goto3
state2 reduce2 reduce2
state3 accept


In the table above, we used some abbreviated notation for convenience as follows:

  1. shiftstatei is abbreviated as shifti
  2. reducepi is abbreviated as reducei
  3. gotostatei is abbreviated as gotoi


We will not yet illustrate the exact algorithm for constructing this parse table. It will be easier to explain after you completely understand the parsing procedure.

Parse example


Parsing input string a:

Input queue Parse stack Action
a 1 Apply action of shift2 which corresponds to state1 and a in our parse table
1 a 2 Apply action of reduce2 which corresponds to state2 and $ in our parse table
1 S Apply action of goto3 which corresponds to state1 and S in our parse table
1 S 3 Accept, since this action corresponds to state3 and $ in our parse table

This parsing procedure corresponds to the following derivation of string a:

S → a

As an interesting observation, note that we could have simply accepted the input string once the start symbol S was on the stack with lookahead $.

However, the goto action is useful in the use of more complex grammars, which will be illustrated later.


Note that we are using the number i to represent statei in our parse stack representation for convenience.


Failing to parse input string aa:

Input queue Parse stack Action
aa 1 Apply action of shift2 which corresponds to state1 and a in our parse table
a 1 a 2 Apply action of reduce2 which corresponds to state2 and a in our parse table
a 1 S Apply action of goto 3 which corresponds to state1 and S in our parse table
a 1 S 3 Reject, since no action corresponds to state3 and a in our parse table


We've now seen LR(0) parse table actions in action. Next, we will examine the parsing procedure for a grammar with multiple terminals.

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